Monday, August 28, 2006

College Students Welcome! - BBQ and a Movie

We are so pleased to welcome the students back to our community. It is our hope and our prayer that students who are seeking an authentic community to walk with and worship Jesus Christ will be able to find a home with us.

This Wednesday night 8/30 we will be having a Barbeque and Movie night as a welcome event for any and all students. Come join us at 6PM in the yard of the Beebe School (821 W. Lake between Whitcomb and Shields) for a free cookout and then for a movie to follow.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Reminder: Chicken and Compline

Dear All,

Just a reminder that tomorrow night will be our final summer Cookout and Compline.  We will gather at 6PM at Jean Smith’s home here in Fort Collins.  Instead of grilling, Jean will provide fried chicken.  Please bring a friend, a dish to pass and your own beverage.  We will enjoy food, fellowship and round out our evening together with the Compline service and intercessory prayer.


Jean’s home is at 1531 W. Swallow #26

Take Shields to Swallow.  Head West on Swallow past the High School and the Lutheran church.  4/10 mi. from Shields you will see a street named Teller on your Right.  Here you will turn Left onto Jean’s street which is a private, nameless road.  Jean is around the bend on the Right hand side, number 26.


Please pray this week for Epiphany’s outreach to the CSU campus and for Brad Jones as he sorts through the red-tape to find a place and time when we can bless the students on campus (blessing students is a harder proposition than you might think these days) and invite them to a cookout of our own next week.  Please be in prayer also for our friends Jeremy and Amanda who visited with us on Sunday.  They will be having a BBQ for the Apartment Life ministry that they are a part of at the same time as our own.  Jan and Dimas Mederos will be helping them.  Please pray that this event will be an inroad for Jeremy and Amanda and their ongoing ministry to their apartment complex. 


I look forward to fellowship and prayer with the rest of you tomorrow night.


Grace and Peace,




The Rev. Steven Hoskins

Assistant Missionary Priest

Epiphany Anglican Fellowship



"The time is coming when people will be insane, and when they see someone who is not insane, they will attack that person saying: 'You are insane because you are not like us.'" ~ Abba Anthony of Egypt (4th Century)


Thursday, August 17, 2006

An encouraging prayer

Dear Friends,

I wanted to pass along to you a prayer that I found so encouraging, inspiring and helpful in my devotions the other day.  I hope that you find it a blessing.


“Lord Jesus Christ, be present in the midst of my parish church and throughout all places where your people assemble in this world.  Be present as well in my home and in the homes of all Christian people.  You did console those disciples of old who faced a pagan world.  And we pray, overcome in us all that is wrongheaded and sinful, that, in Your Name, your church may overcome the darkness by the proclamation and living out of Your resurrection.  Amen.”


Be Blessed today, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.



Monday, August 07, 2006

Cookout and Compline

Just a reminder that Wednesday (8/9) everyone is invited to our house for our next installment of Cookout and Compline. Come, bring a friend, your own meat to grill and a dish to share. We will meet at 6pm for food and fellowship and then round out the evening by praying the Compline prayer service. Call or email Fr. Steve for directions.

Grace and Peace,


The Rev. Steven Hoskins

Assistant Missionary Priest

Epiphany Anglican Fellowship
